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Handelsversicherung Verifizierter Lieferant - Ningbo Booyii Elelctronic Co., Ltd.

High-Tech-Unternehmen, das sich mit der Entwicklung von, Herstellung und Verkauf von LED-Produkten

Intelligentes Licht

Das Aufkommen von Pflanzenlampen ermöglicht den Anbau traditioneller Kulturen ohne saisonale und räumliche Einschränkungen, insbesondere einige spezielle Cash Crops, Die rasante Entwicklung der Pflanzenbeleuchtung, Förderung der grenzüberschreitenden Integration “Beleuchtung + Landwirtschaft”, Bildung eines riesigen aufstrebenden Marktes.

In den letzten Jahren, the development of plant lighting industry continues to accelerate, data show that in 2019, the global LED plant fill light equipment market size grew from $310 million in 2015 to $1.22 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 40.8%. It is expected that the future LED plant fill light equipment will be further applied to modern agricultural production, and the market size will reach 5.7 billion US dollars by 2024.

The development of the industry has driven the industry chain enterprises to become bigger and stronger, and many influential enterprises have emerged in the subdivision circuit of plant lighting related products, systems, and solutions. Because of the trend, take the express train of plant lighting to ride all the way to various high-power power fields, and now it has developed into a special existence in the field of LED power supplies, and become one of the influential plates in the field of LED drive power. How should enterprises get on the express train of plant lighting, and where will the development go in the future? Become the most can discuss a topic.



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